产品特性:高频高压 | 品牌:天明伟业 | 型号:DER |
系列:IGBT | 标称容量:TOP | 介电材料:薄膜 |
容差:5% | 额定电压-AC:400V | 额定电压-DC:1200V |
等效串联电阻(ESR):2.0 | 工作温度范围:105 | 应用范围:高压 |
等级:A | 端接类型:铜头 | 引线类型:直插 |
引线间距:5 | 尺寸:70*60mm | 高度-安装(最大值):70 |
安装类型:迈拉胶印带 | 封装/外壳:圆形 | 特性:高压高频 |
封装:直接 |
高频高压特种谐振电容器 专业用于新能源汽车充电谐振电路
引用标准/Reference standards | IEC 61071 60068 |
工作温度范围/Operating temperature range | -40~125℃ |
容量范围/Capacitance | 0.0005~4μF(500PF-4UF) |
额定电压 /Rated Voltage | 1200-8000V.AC |
容量偏差 /Tolerance | ±5% 10% |
极间耐电压 /Test voltage between terminals | 1.5Ur(DC) 10s 25±5℃ |
极壳耐电压 /Test voltage between terminals and case | 12000V 50Hz 60S, 25±5℃ |
损耗角正切/Dissipation factor | tgδ≤6×10-4 at 25±5℃ , 1KHz |
绝缘电阻/Insulation resistance | C*IR≥30000S, at 100VDC,25±5℃,60S |
预期寿命/Life expectancy | 100000h at Ur and 70℃ |
引用标准/Reference standards | IEC 61071 60068 |
工作温度范围/Operating temperature range | -40~125℃ |
容量范围/Capacitance | 0.0005~4μF(500PF-4UF) |
额定电压 /Rated Voltage | 1200-8000V.AC |
容量偏差 /Tolerance | ±5% 10% |
极间耐电压 /Test voltage between terminals | 1.5Ur(DC) 10s 25±5℃ |
极壳耐电压 /Test voltage between terminals and case | 12000V 50Hz 60S, 25±5℃ |
损耗角正切/Dissipation factor | tgδ≤6×10-4 at 25±5℃ , 1KHz |
绝缘电阻/Insulation resistance | C*IR≥30000S, at 100VDC,25±5℃,60S |
预期寿命/Life expectancy | 100000h at Ur and 70℃ |
专业大电流 高频谐振电容供应商 13266647472